These are the the big three. They link and correlate in unexpected ways. Yet all succesful organizations have nailed these three critical levers (and a fourth one - execution).  

Our team looks at Risk, Strategy and Governance together.  While our focus often starts out as Enterprise Risk, we often end up working with issues related to strategic risks.  Being ready for emergent risks. Being organized to ask and answer the questions that can address emergent and strategic risks. Being skilled at looking for them. Exploring the interplay of scenarios.  Making sure that organizationally the roles are right. 

Getting the Governance right is equally critical. Boards with the wrong skills may make the wrong choices. Boards with the right processes have a good shot at being the effective contributor their firms need. The senior management relationship with the Board is also critical. The structure and organization of the whole leadership team matters - as a critical ingredient to the overall quality of leadership. 

Our experience has given us rich tools to help organizations, large and small, with their risk management, governance and strategy challenges. From big banks to smaller insurers, from pharmaceuticals to manufacturers and transportation companies, to government departments, crown corporations and agencies. Our experience is broad, our understanding of the right size and scope for a firm and its Board is unique. 

We have worked in regulated industries and unregulated ones, and in each case, while the challenges are different, the linkages between strategy, risk and governance are critical. 

Call us, we can help. 

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